Hello, I am Midas

You really disturb me terribly in my reflections, to write something on this page about myself !   I don't like that at all !!  I prefer being left alone to think about the big questions of life. But the thinkers of this world are not taken very seriously, I'm afraid.

Now, I have to tell who I am ...... is that interesting ?  Yes ?  Well...... I was born the 11th March 1993 as Victoria's Midas Mi Lei-Fo.  Yes, that's a very complicated name. 'Midas' comes from a famous Dutch television biologist. They named me after him because I was already very curious, and a thinker, as a kitten. 'Victoria' is my mothers name. The name 'Mi Lei-Fo' comes from an eastern goddess. Why eastern ? Well, I am a Balinese, that is a Siamese with (half-)long hair. And a Siamese is an eastern type of cat.

Why a Siamese with longhair is called a Balinese, I really have no idea. As a Balinese I have colour on my ears, nose, feet and tail. Because of my beautifull tail, of which I'm very proud, they say I'm arrogant.  I have been thinking about that, like I think about everything, but I don't think they're right.

Picture of Midas 'thinking' !
 (Home made picture)

The problem of thinking is that others think I'm sleeping. Now, I can assure you that they are absolutely wrong.
I have a very interesting hobby. I make observations on the weather. That has resulted in my nickname 'meteorologist'. Every evening I push the curtains aside to look at the sky. Then I establish whether it is raining or not. So I find myself of great use to this society.

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Last change : 12th of June 2003 
All rights reserved : Irene Erkelens and Deirdre Bouman